Sunday 20 July 2014

Make your Brochure Effective in 11 Ways

If you're planning to create a brochure to drum up sales or to announce a new product or service, you're probably wondering what you can do to ensure a good response.

Here are 11 important ways of successful brochures.
  1. Understand your customer
  2. Plan your brochure for AIDA
  3. Don't put a picture of your building on the cover of the brochure.
  4. Sell, don't tell
  5. Use headlines and graphics your audience cares about
  6. Use benefits-oriented headlines inside your brochure, too
  7. Give them a reason to act now
  8. Use bullet points to focus on the key features of your product or service
  9. Make it easy to respond
  10. Take away the risk
  11. Use bullet points to focus on the key features of your product or service

Article by Inndus UK LTD

Original Source –

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